For 30+ years, we’ve been committed to one thing… Building Excellence.
For more than three decades, Ornstein Leyton Company (OLC) has achieved a successful track record of Building Excellence that’s second to none in the construction and development of real estate properties.
As a leading-edge regional real estate development company, we both build ‘Dream Homes and Communities’ for varying lifestyles, and develop prime commercial properties. With each project, we are satisfying homeowners with captivating design and lasting durability, along with adhering to our OLC motto of building deep, lasting community relationships in each project.
OLC’s extensive top-flight communities of various design styles have included single family neighborhoods, town homes, maintenance free mid-rise condominiums, estate enclaves and active adult resorts, along with mixed-use developments and commercial properties in rounding out their expanding portfolio.
The success of OLC can be attributed to the commitment and vision of founders Alec Ornstein and Scott Leyton. For over thirty years, they have found and maximized the potential of properties in and around the New York Metropolitan area including Nassau, Suffolk, Brooklyn, Westchester, Dutchess, and Putnam counties, developing hundreds of homes as well as commercial properties.
With the partners’ proven track record of 60+ combined years of construction, development and finance expertise, OLC has prospered with deep market successes throughout the New York region—and continues to grow and seize new market opportunities by displayed keen insights and winning teamwork in pinpointing and developing quality real estate… in the finest tradition of OLC’s signature for Building Excellence.
Member of Long Island Builders Institute, of which Alec Ornstein has served as two-time President, Chairman, and Life Director
Supporter of the Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity Act
Member of New York State Builders Association (NYSBA)
Member of Builders’ Association of Hudson Valley (BAHV)
Member of National Association of Home Builders
On the board of NYS Home Builders Association
Supporter of Sustainable Growth and Green Building
Supporter of Smart Growth
Supporter of Habitat for Humanity and other charitable and philanthropic endeavorsThe success of OLC can be attributed to the commitment and vision of founders Alec Ornstein and Scott Leyton. For almost thirty years, they have found and maximized the potential of properties in and around the New York Metropolitan area, developing hundreds of homes as well as commercial properties.
To position OLC for an expansive future in a broad spectrum of real estate development, its principals have built a truly innovative team of professionals highly skilled in marketing, administration, sales, finance, and government liason, in addition to the expertise of architects, engineers, attorneys and construction specialists. Together, this deep pool of experience and abilities helps OLC and its partners go from concept—whether it’s developing a raw piece of land, or the vision to identify opportunities, and finish and improve distressed or unfinished properties—to a finished product, working every detail and coordinating with municipalities to ensure a development, whether residential or commercial, of which each community can be justifiably proud.
For the investor, broker, land seller, OLC’s rich heritage and spheres of influence spans real estate companies, capital providers, brand name suppliers, banks and mortgage companies. This experience and these relationships translate into opportunities for profitable projects that help build communities and businesses. And always, OLC works to ensure responsible development, with green building techniques and features that help save costs and our environment.
In our quality, award-winning homes, you’ll discover the breadth of styling and design excellence, the attention to detail, the dedication to quality that makes every residence we offer one you’ll be proud to call home. Each reflects our heritage; and all display our commitment to you for years to come.
In our business and commercial endeavors, you’ll find the vision, skill and capabilities to plan, design and complete outstanding industrial, office, and retail developments that create opportunities for expansion, profit, and investment.
For experience, quality, innovation and vision… for homes that welcome owners with outstanding features… for commercial developments that can invigorate a municipality and attract investment and business… rely on the builder and developer who knows every aspect and assures your satisfaction: Ornstein Leyton Company.
OLC invites you to preview its current properties as it is well-positioned in today’s real estate market for strong, sustainable growth.
Ornstein Leyton Company was founded in 1991 by Alec Ornstein and Scott Leyton— bankers, real estate experts and unique visionaries who have taken advantage of prevailing economic environments to locate and maximize the potential of properties in and around the tri-state area, with a primary focus on the New York Metropolitan Area. Formally trained as bankers, together Ornstein and Leyton have over 50 combined years of experience in real estate, development and finance. They combine the capabilities and know-how of established firms with a dynamic creativity that is the hallmark of the new breed of real estate developers.
Alec Ornstein’s strong background combines finance, real estate, and development. He was Senior Vice President and member of the Board of Directors of Central Federal Savings with assets in excess of $1 billion. During a ten-year span he was involved in general contracting of residential developments and joint venture/equity participation lending by managing the banks wholly-owned service corporations and their development activities. In his executive capacity, he was responsible for commercial real estate lending, residential loan origination, construction lending and “work-outs.”
Anxious to become more involved in the development business, he joined one of Long Island’s largest home building organizations, where he managed the acquisition, finance, construction and marketing of many of the firm’s new residential communities. In addition, he owns numerous commercial properties nationwide.
Ornstein presently resides on Long Island. He is an active member and Past President of NAHB’s Long Island Builders Institute (LIBI), where he serves on the organization’s board of directors. In addition to hobbies that include tennis and sailing, he is also well involved in philanthropic efforts on behalf of the American Jewish Community and within his local synagogue.
Scott Leyton’s background also includes a mix of finance, development and construction. Starting in the construction supply business, he soon joined a large New York City real estate management firm where he ultimately assumed responsibility for the management of more than one million square feet of office space. His additional responsibilities included financing of new acquisitions as well as re-financing portfolio properties. He joined a New York-based bank as Vice President for New York City commercial real estate lending, and in that capacity he originated more than $200 million in performing loans. Subsequently recruited by a nationally renowned financing firm, he structured real estate joint ventures and debt refinancing with numerous insurance companies, pension funds, banks and credit companies.
Having met Alec Ornstein in the financial industry and done business together in the past (and serving as a tennis partner with Alec as well), the two decided to form a partnership for their own real estate venture in 1991, with offices in Garden City, Long Island. Their combined business acumen and an ability to access consistent equity helped the business venture grow quickly and successfully.
Leyton resides in New York City with his wife, son and daughter, and is involved in various city-oriented trade organizations – and a continued avid pursuit of golf.
For Investors
Attractive Yields through Diverse Real Estate Investments
Ornstein Leyton Company (“OLC”), a regional New York based real estate development company, is looking to acquire land that will be developed as “For-Sale” Residential Projects and Income Producing Commercial Projects.
The mission is to enable our investors to create wealth through investment in OLC’s Commercial and Residential real estate properties, leveraging our considerable knowledge and experience in acquisition, development and management.
OLC Historical Returns
OLC has provided profitable development results throughout its 16-year history presenting investor IRR’s in excess of 30% for OLC For-Sale housing transactions and 22.5% for Commercial Projects.
Over time, the vast majority of OLC projects have been successful as demonstrated by strong historical returns. As a result, leading equity and debt institutions have exhibited confidence in OLC by investing. As target investments are expanded to include income producing assets, these relationships that have driven the business will become even more important in enabling growth. Combined with strong core competencies such as mission-critical investigation of downside risk and an aggressive, centralized construction, property and operational management style, OLC has produced, and will continue to strive to produce profitable results for those participating investors.
The focus continues to reside in:
Income-Producing Commercial Projects (Acquisition, Ownership and Development)
For-Sale Housing Developments
Single family homes
Town homes
Planned unit developments
Senior/retirement developments
Condominium & cooperative developments